Fermoselle arribes del duero

Fermoselle arribes del duero

Kingdom of zamora

Fermoselle is one of the villages of Zamora, which borders Portugal and is surrounded by the rivers Duero and Tormes. It is also one of the most beautiful villages of Zamora and gateway to the Arribes del Duero, since from here are born many of the routes that can be done in this area.

Due to its location in the heart of the Arribes del Duero Natural Park, it is called the Balcony of the Duero. Although another nickname it receives, is the village of the thousand cellars, due to the number of subway caves where wine has been fermenting for centuries.

In our visit to Fermoselle we visited some of its essential places, but the truth is that we forgot the map and we dedicated ourselves to walk around the town a little at our own pace, because we were already a little tired, having spent the whole day looking for the best viewpoints of the Arribes del Duero. And why not, if after all we are on vacation.

The interior of the village stands out for its steep and narrow streets. Because the subsoil is full of cellars (they even have 5 levels high), and the houses of popular style with balconies and round arches, are built on the rock, which as it is almost impossible to excavate, has been incorporated into the same buildings.

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Provincia del oeste de españa

Ahora rodamos por Salamanca hasta volver a cruzar el Tormes, ya que, en este, su tramo final, actúa como límite provincial. Y tenemos que subir el Mirador del Somaero desde donde podemos ver la Falla del Peine. Seguimos hacia Berrocal Chico y poco a poco llegamos a Trabanca.

Salimos del pueblo por el Camino del Contumero, que sigue siendo el GR-14, hacia la localidad de Villarino de los Aires donde hacemos una parada en el Mirador del Duero y posteriormente en el Mirador de la Falla. Desde ambos podemos ver la zona de Arribes del Duero, justo en el curso del río Duero que hace frontera con España y Portugal.

Dejamos el GR-14 que nos ha guiado hasta aquí. Y continuamos nuestro descenso hacia el Paraje de Ambasaguas o Las Dos Aguas se encuentra en la frontera con Portugal, al noroeste de la provincia de Salamanca y al suroeste de la provincia de Zamora. Recibe este nombre por ser el lugar donde el río Tormes vierte sus aguas al Duero.

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Old casino of the arribes

Fermoselle is a must-visit town in the Arribes del Duero, whose name alone reveals its “fermosity”. It is located at the top of a granite berrocal, in the Sayago region of Zamora, a step away from the province of Salamanca and the border of Portugal. In addition to its magnificent surroundings, it has a special beauty for which it has been declared a Historic-Artistic Site.

The town has a medieval structure and there are many narrow streets and slopes. Although it is not impossible, it is not too easy to park in the center and less in high season. For this purpose, a parking lot has been set up in an esplanade next to the bullring.

The Casa del Parque is an information center of the natural park. In it they will explain in a personalized way, depending on what you are interested in or the time you have, everything related to the park both in the area of Zamora and Salamanca.

The cloister or its orchards of aromatic plants.  And to hear from the guides, a lot of very interesting information about the territory, its geology, habitats of the natural space, fauna, flora, customs, festivals and traditions for you to enjoy and learn from everything it has.

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Arribes del duero cruises

You can delight yourself with our landscapes, enjoy our natural environment and walk through our fields, but your experience will be much more if you understand the details of the Natural Park, you have at your disposal the House of the Park, the Interpretation Center of the Natural Park. Come and take a look or take a guided tour to discover everything that is not within sight, understand its flora, fauna, how it has taken shape with the hard work of our people and enjoy every aspect, every detail that you find on your visit that otherwise would go unnoticed to your eyes.