Platja d as catedrais

Platja d as catedrais

Ribadeomunicipality in spain

In Galicia, when the power of the sea and the patience of time come together, the result is a work of art… the beach of As Catedrais, a natural monument with a supernatural dimension. Just wait for the low tide, take off your shoes, start walking… and you feel in glory.

Nothing like enjoying the view of the 30 m high flying buttresses, discovering unusual perspectives of arches within arches. Or simply let yourself be carried along the sandy corridors between slate walls, as in an imposing and capricious central nave. And always, feet in the sand and head in the sky. We are in the cathedral of the sea.

Each visit is different. The sea always erases the previous traces, but the succession of monumental arches remains. In addition, the protected area within the Natura 2000 Network reaches a coastal stretch of about fifteen kilometers long in which we can find other beautiful sandy beaches such as Os Castros and the picturesque port of Rinlo.

During the summer months (from July 1 to September 30) and at Easter it is necessary to request a permit. This is free of charge and can be obtained online at

Cathedral beach spain tickets

The beach of “As Catedrais” located in the town of Ribadeo, in the province of Lugo, is also known as Aguas Santas beach. It is especially attractive due to its peculiar geology, product of the continuous action of the sea on the rocks.

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The characteristic of the beach of As Catedrais or beach of Las Catedrales are the arches and caves, only appreciable at the foot of the beach during low tide when we can access a long sandy area bounded by a rocky wall of slate and schist in whimsical shapes such as arches of more than 30 m. high reminiscent of those of the cathedrals, caves of dozens of meters and sand corridors between blocks of rocks.

The As Catedrais beach area is also a unique place with a specific and protected fauna and flora. To date, a total of 21 natural habitat types have been identified in the area, of which six are currently a priority. Birds such as cormorants and Eurasian oystercatchers can be seen in the area. Some mammals such as the otter or fish such as the bottlenose dolphin can also be glimpsed on the coast. As for the flora, the most outstanding species of As Catedrais is undoubtedly the salt chard, a species currently listed as endangered.


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La Praia das Catedrais (español: playa de las Catedrales, inglés: Beach of the Cathedrals) se encuentra en la costa noroeste de España. Es el nombre dado por la industria turística a la Praia de Augas Santas (traducido del gallego: “Playa de las Aguas Santas”). La playa está situada en el municipio de Ribadeo, en la provincia de Lugo (Galicia), en la costa cantábrica, y se encuentra a unos diez kilómetros al oeste de la ciudad de Ribadeo. Su nombre deriva de sus formaciones acantiladas.

Los rasgos característicos de la playa son sus arcos y cuevas naturales, que sólo pueden verse con la marea baja. Durante la marea alta, la playa parece pequeña, pero sigue siendo apta para el baño. Durante la marea baja es más evidente el tamaño de sus acantilados y cuevas marinas, que van desde pequeñas grietas en la roca hasta grandes cuevas cuyos techos se han derrumbado debido a la erosión de las olas.


In Galicia, when the power of the sea and the patience of time come together, the result is a work of art… the beach of As Catedrais, a natural monument with a supernatural dimension. Just wait for the low tide, take off your shoes, start walking… and you feel in glory.

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Nothing like enjoying the view of the 30 m high flying buttresses, discovering unusual perspectives of arches within arches. Or simply let yourself be carried along the sandy corridors between slate walls, as in an imposing and capricious central nave. And always, feet in the sand and head in the sky. We are in the cathedral of the sea.

Each visit is different. The sea always erases the previous traces, but the succession of monumental arches remains. In addition, the protected area within the Natura 2000 Network reaches a coastal stretch of about fifteen kilometers long in which we can find other beautiful sandy beaches such as Os Castros and the picturesque port of Rinlo.

During the summer months (from July 1 to September 30) and at Easter it is necessary to request a permit. This is free of charge and can be obtained online at