Foz de lumbier navarra

Foz de lumbier navarra

turismo navarra

Pasee por una de las gargantas más impresionantes de Navarra, declarada Parque Natural. La Foz de Lumbier es un cañón de roca caliza excavado por el río Irati, de algo más de 1 km de longitud. Sus escarpadas y verticales paredes pueden alcanzar hasta 400 m de altura, y son el hogar de buitres leonados y otras aves rapaces.

Los diferentes túneles excavados en la roca y los senderos que siguen el curso del río ofrecen la posibilidad de disfrutar de este bello y singular lugar. El río Irati adquiere diferentes tonalidades a su paso por la garganta, adquiriendo un verde intenso en el Puente del Diablo, la parte más estrecha de la misma.

what to see in navarre

And if what you want is to make an excursion that deepens the scenic aspect of the route, go to the Interpretation Center to learn about the activities offered by companies in the area:

If you come in the hot months and you feel like taking a dip, you can do it from some points of the path that crosses the gorge. Of course, this is a Pyrenean river and the water is cool and fresh, so don’t go crazy.

Or maybe you prefer to feel the thrill of crossing the waters of the Irati and know the environment from another point of view. Well, you can also do it. In an inflatable raft, for example. A perfect activity for families and groups.

This gorge, carved by the waters of the Salazar River, is more inaccessible than its neighboring Lumbier. That is why we recommend that you enjoy it from the Mirador de Iso, from where you can appreciate its true magnitude. It is a concrete platform that overlooks the cliff and has information panels and free parking.


Its spectacular geology and isolation for centuries have led to the conservation of a unique vegetation that populates the steep crags serving as a dwelling for large birds of prey. An unparalleled spectacle of reddish walls from whose crevices hang trees and bushes and where large birds of prey rest.

What makes this gorge unique is that its 1,300 meters long can be covered by the greenway that runs near the river and at the foot of the cliffs announcing the first foothills of the eastern Pyrenees of Navarre. Listen to the murmur of the waters and the cries of the choughs as you admire the beauty of this natural enclave.

From the nearby town of Lumbier, you arrive at a parking lot located a few meters from the access to the gorge. The Foz de Lumbier is a gorge carved by the river Irati on the limestone rock at the western end of the Sierra de Leyre, at the foot of the Navarre Pyrenees.

Another of the attractions offered by this nature reserve is bird watching. Enjoy the elegant flight of griffon vultures from the viewpoint located next to the NA-178 road, a short distance from the junction with the road to Jaca. From here you can see a vulture feeder and the enormous birds of prey hovering in the air before swooping down on their prey.

irati forest

And if what you want is to make an excursion that deepens in the scenic aspect of the route, come to the Interpretation Center to learn about the activities offered by companies in the area:

Another option to get to know the Foz de Lumbier, in this case “from the inside”. If you come in the hot months and you feel like taking a dip, you can do it from some points of the path that crosses the gorge. Of course, this is a Pyrenean river and the water is cool and fresh, so don’t go crazy, or you may prefer to feel the thrill of sailing the waters of the Irati and know the environment from another point of view. Well, you can also do it. In a pneumatic raft, for example. A perfect activity for families and groups.

This gorge, carved by the waters of the Salazar River, is more inaccessible than its neighboring Lumbier. That is why we recommend that you enjoy it from the Mirador de Iso, from where you can appreciate its true magnitude. It is a concrete platform that overlooks the cliff and has information panels and free parking.

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