Valverde de los arroyos

Valverde de los arroyos

Villanueva de los infantes

It is located 85 kilometers from Guadalajara, and is accessed via the CM-101 to Humanes, where you then take the CM-1004 to Tamajón, to finally take the GU-211 and after passing Almiruete and Palancares you arrive at Valverde de los Arroyos.

Valverde de los Arroyos is one of the most emblematic villages of the Black Architecture, with the peculiarity that its buildings have a striking and peculiar golden hue, because in addition to the traditional black slate and wood is used as a building element called gneiss stone, a quartzite that reflects in it the sun’s rays gives off a special luminosity certainly spectacular. This constructive singularity is typical of the villages located on the western slope of the Ocejón peak, as is the case of Valverde de los Arroyos, Almiruete and Palancares.

In its architectural ensemble highlights the Parish Church of San Ildefonso, s. XIX, typically mountain construction that keeps inside a magnificent processional cross of the sixteenth century, an extraordinary Renaissance work of goldsmithing.

Pedraza españa

Cuando uno piensa en visitar los pueblos negros de Guadalajara, está obligado a elegir una de las dos rutas posibles. Circunstancialmente, me equivoqué al elegir la ruta. Sin embargo, fue un error alegre, ya que vi pueblos muy bonitos, y significa que la próxima vez que esté allí visitaré algo diferente.Tiene rincones realmente bonitos, los pueblos han sido restaurados, lo que les da un aire noble que sin duda da una idea de cómo eran antes. Han hecho un buen trabajo y recomiendo ir allí.

  Que ver en lanzarote

Se nota que el nombre tiene sentido, Valverde de los Arroyos: desde cada calle del pueblo salen pequeños arroyos (artificiales) llamados “canales” para regar las huertas. Pero si te adentras en sus bosques y montes verás que también los hay artificiales pero también naturales.Hace años había mucha agua en la zona, la cascada ocupaba casi todo el muro de piedra, y había muchos pequeños arroyos y manantiales de agua que bajaban del monte. Antiguamente se llamaba Villaverde del Osejón, haciendo referencia a los osos que vivían en el monte Ocejón.

Villages in guadalajara

Some locals lament that the only thing that is being looked at now is tourism and aesthetics, and that traditions are being lost. But maybe that blissful aesthetics has saved Valverde from disappearance, judging by the piles of abandoned villages that are emerging as we discover this fantastic natural space of great diversity.

  Que visitar en burgos provincia

In the square of Valverde, straight from the mountain range, the water puts a hypnotic soundtrack through the fountain in this corner of peace. Next to it, at the foot of the dark tower of the church of San Ildefonso, the bowling lane that hosted competitions of the best bowlers in these valleys is preserved.

Stone and wood are the basis of the beauty of this square, but it would not be the same without its facades covered by vines and balconies full of geraniums. On this side of the Ocejón, the custom of building on two levels may be the key to why many consider it the most beautiful of the “black” villages.

In addition, on this eastern side, slate is only used for the roofs, while quartzite is used for the masonry, with reddish tones that shine when oxidized. The combination is fabulous.

Chorreras de despeñalagua route

Valverde de los ArroyosIt is located 85 kilometers from Guadalajara, and is accessed via the CM-101 to Humanes, where you then take the CM-1004 to Tamajón, to finally take the GU-211 and after passing Almiruete and Palancares you arrive at Valverde de los Arroyos.

  El valle del roncal

Valverde de los Arroyos is one of the most emblematic villages of the Black Architecture, with the peculiarity that its buildings have a striking and peculiar golden hue, because in addition to the traditional black slate and wood is used as a building element called gneiss stone, a quartzite that reflects in it the sun’s rays gives off a special luminosity certainly spectacular. This constructive singularity is typical of the villages located on the western slope of the Ocejón peak, as is the case of Valverde de los Arroyos, Almiruete and Palancares.

In its architectural ensemble highlights the Parish Church of San Ildefonso, s. XIX, typically mountain construction that keeps inside a magnificent processional cross of the sixteenth century, an extraordinary Renaissance work of goldsmithing.