Los bufaderos de los bufones de pría

Los bufaderos de los bufones de pría


[Estos agujeros, que me recordaron al gran pozo de Carkoon de “El imperio contraataca”, no esconden enormes criaturas sino el poder del agua en su interior. En Llanes de Pría se encuentran unos bufaderos o géiseres marinos totalmente espectaculares. O al menos a mí me lo parecieron.

El sonido que podemos escuchar en esta zona en el momento en que la marea es alta es conmovedor, potente y te llega al fondo del cuerpo. Esto sabes que será así en el momento que te vas acercando y vas escuchando respirar a la tierra. Por debajo, el agua se eleva por unas chimeneas naturales y llega a veces a la superficie en forma de agua pulverizada. Aconsejo que este sonido se escuche con unos buenos auriculares o altavoces.

[Estos agujeros, que me recordaron al gran pozo de Carkoon de “El Imperio Contraataca”, no esconden enormes criaturas sino la fuerza del agua en su interior. En Llanes de Pría hay unos bufaderos o géiseres marinos totalmente espectaculares. O al menos a mí me lo parecieron. El sonido que podemos escuchar en esta zona en el momento en que la marea está alta es movido, potente y llega hasta el fondo del cuerpo. Esto lo sabes en el momento en que te acercas y escuchas la respiración de la tierra. Abajo, el agua sube por las chimeneas naturales y a veces llega a la superficie en forma de rocío de agua. Aconsejo que este sonido se escuche con unos buenos auriculares o altavoces.

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The bufones are perhaps the most spectacular natural wonder offered by our beloved land, Asturias. Big words… We are going to approach a curious and spectacular natural phenomenon, which can be enjoyed with certain marine conditions.

We propose you to visit them in different ways, in the three places with buffoons that have been declared Natural Monument.  And feel them, because the noise gives you goose bumps. A powerful and hypnotic plan that does not disappoint anyone who sees it.

In addition to these two, there are other factors involved but their effect is more difficult to predict and interpret: tidal coefficient, sea direction, wind … This explains the fact that, sometimes, the best day to enjoy them is not the one with more sea.

If you like walking, there is the path called Ruta de los Bufones de Pria, PR AS-57. From Llames, it is about 4 hours long and of low difficulty. It is worth enjoying this extreme spectacle of nature on a rough sea day, you live (and feel) the buffoons right next to you.

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The Asturian coast is constantly offering surprises, such as the so-called bufones: a real joy for the senses. We hear the sea breathing, roaring, we see it jump over our heads in a cloud of tiny drops, with a final snort or snort that is shocking and makes the cliffs vibrate under our feet.

These waterfalls are something different from the typical action of the sea breaking in big waves against the coast. In this case, the water takes advantage of well-defined chimneys and cracks in the limestone to gush to the surface imitating geysers, forming jets that can reach more than twenty meters high.

Pría’s Jesters. From the village of Llames de Pría we take the asphalted road that leads to the beach of Guadamía, a practically fluvial beach. From there we take a path to the right that leads us to an extensive field of buffoons and a magnificent panoramic view of the eastern coast of Asturias.

Gulpiyuri beach

The bufones are perhaps the most spectacular natural wonder offered by our beloved land, Asturias. Big words… We are going to approach a curious and spectacular natural phenomenon, which can be enjoyed with certain marine conditions.

We propose you to visit them in different ways, in the three places with buffoons that have been declared Natural Monument.  And feel them, because the noise gives you goose bumps. A powerful and hypnotic plan that does not disappoint anyone who sees it.

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In addition to these two, there are other factors involved but their effect is more difficult to predict and interpret: tidal coefficient, sea direction, wind … This explains the fact that, sometimes, the best day to enjoy them is not the one with more sea.

If you like walking, there is the path called Ruta de los Bufones de Pria, PR AS-57. From Llames, it is about 4 hours long and of low difficulty. It is worth enjoying this extreme spectacle of nature on a rough sea day, you live (and feel) the buffoons right next to you.