Bardenas reales de navarra

Bardenas reales de navarra

Bardenas reales juego de tronos

Al suroeste de Navarra se encuentra el Parque Natural de las Bardenas Reales, una singular zona semidesértica de 42.500 hectáreas que, a pesar de su aspecto desnudo e inhóspito, encierra grandes valores naturales. Dentro de él hay tres reservas naturales.

Asimismo, ha servido de localización para anuncios de televisión y películas como Airbag, Acción Mutante, El orgullo y la pasión o El mundo no es suficiente. Todo ello lo convierte en un destino único para descubrir en una SEGWAY.

Águilas, buitres, búhos, avutardas, zorros, gatos monteses, ginetas, anfibios y reptiles le harán compañía a través de esta vasta extensión de matorrales, romero, cardo ruso arbustivo, salinas y esparto, donde las temperaturas pueden ser extremas.

Detenerse en los excepcionales miradores, como el del Alto de Aguilares, es un privilegio que ofrece la más amplia panorámica de la Bardena Blanca, o el Balcón de Pilatos, un excepcional observatorio de aves rapaces. Recorrer en SEGWAY enclaves inolvidables, como Castildetierra y Pisquerra (Bardena Blanca), con sus espectaculares formaciones.

Bardenas reales route

The uniqueness, the landscape and the natural wealth of its different protected areas attract many people to carry out different activities. These activities have developed a certain business and hotel infrastructure in the towns that order it.

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Among the different events that take place in the Bardenas related to tourism and sport, the Extreme Bardenas race that takes place in the month of June and is organized by the Ardida cycling club stands out. The visitors come from many different places, from Navarre itself, from neighboring communities and from foreign countries. Among these, France stands out.

A source of inspiration for painters and writers and the setting for television commercials, music videos and films such as “Airbag”, “Mutant Action”, “Pride and Passion”, “The World is Never Enough”, “Anacleto Secret Agent”, “The World is Never Enough” and “The Secret Agent”.  Anacleto Agente Secreto”, “Rango”, “127 horas” or “Planet 51” and more.

Caves of the bardenas

One of the most surprising visits you can make on a tourist trip to Navarre is the natural park of the Bardenas Reales, which you can find in the southeast of the community, not far from the town of Tudela.

There is no doubt that one of the iconic images of Navarre are the beautiful and green landscapes of the Navarrese Pyrenees, which reach their maximum expression in places like the Irati Forest or the village of Ochagavia.

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When considering a visit to the Bardenas Reales, you should know that it is a natural park with an area of 42,000 hectares, and in view of the same, it will be interesting to know these curiosities about it.

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Due to the level of protection that the Bardenas Reales have, great restrictions have been established for your visit, so that you can only move through certain areas in order to protect the environment.

Hotel aire de bardenas

But before going on, something very important: the landscape and the geological formations are an essential part of the Natural Park and, as visitors, we should not climb on the slopes and peaks of the formations, because we can degrade them.    We are talking about an extremely fragile ecosystem that we must take care of together.

– La Blanca, which is the depressed area between the two previous ones and the most eroded. It is also the most photographed and visited because here are the most spectacular formations, among which Castildetierra and Pisquerra stand out, which you will surely remember from a movie.

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Before entering this fascinating desert, we recommend that you first visit the information and welcome center. You will find it in the Finca de los Aguilares, 7 km from Arguedas -you must take a detour to the left when leaving the town-.

If you want to make your visit to Bardenas an unforgettable experience, we recommend that you take a look at all the activities that the companies organize, as they are the ones who control this desert to the last detail.