Frases de amor de filosofos

Frases de amor de filosofos

love phrases of poets

Reflecting on life is something that should be done frequently. We should ask ourselves every day the whys and wherefores of our existence and rethink all those things we would have to improve in order to become nobler and kinder people. And love is precisely one of those reflections that cannot be overlooked: Are we doing well with our partner? Could we do more? What could we change to improve the relationship?

Many authors have dedicated their lives to writing philosophical reflections on love, whether in novels, short stories, poems or books. Below you will find some of the most beautiful and profound ones that will not leave you indifferent!

Love is one of the most intense emotions that exist and, as such, requires that we enjoy it to the fullest. These are some of the best philosophical phrases that have been written about this wonderful feeling. They will make you think again!

shakespeare love quotes

When we are tired of reading those typical common quotes and we are looking for something more profound and intelligent, we look for those great quotes written by the greatest famous Greek philosophers in history, so we bring this list of messages beautiful philosophical phrases, the nicest about life and love with the best thoughts and reflections to think and dedicate.

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self-esteem phrases of great thinkers

We all think we are experts in love, and in part we are. We all know the ecstasy that is experienced in those first months of a relationship and we also know the road to hell when the ties are broken and it is a free fall into the abyss. In spite of that, to consider love something banal that does not involve deep reflection is a lack of respect for that feeling that can move the world.  Philosophy has found paradoxes and ironies, it has managed to break down the concept and deconstruct it so that we can see it from every angle we want. However, no matter how much we think about the concept of love, no matter how much philosophers tell us, as soon as we fall in love we lose the ability to reason about it and simply feel it.

“Beauty seduces the flesh in order to gain permission to pass into the soul.” Simone Weil “Your vision will become clearer only when you can see into your heart.” Carl Jung “Friendship is one soul dwelling in two bodies; one heart dwelling in two souls.” Aristotle “Being deeply loved gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” Lao Tse

philosophical phrases

You are going to enter the world of famous philosophers and thinkers, many of them Greeks, immersed in a world of short and precious words, full of intelligence, full of reason and wisdom, and ready to make you a little wiser than you are, that is why in this top of great scholars of life and our world, we are going to compile the best messages and philosophical phrases of life and love short and beautiful, so that you know more closely the reflections of Aristotle, Socrates or Descartes among others.

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