Empresa publica de energia

Empresa publica de energia

naturgy vs iberdrola

Currently, since the liberalization of the electricity market, the public can choose with which supplier they contract their electricity and gas supply. There are two types of marketing companies: those of reference, which offer types of contracts and rates of the regulated market (i.e., established by law), and those of free market, which are outside the regulated market.

All suppliers must show the origin of the energy they supply on the bill. Some have solutions aimed at customers who only want to see one source, renewable energy. On the website of the Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia you can find the list of all the suppliers.

Barcelona Energia supplies electricity to municipal buildings and equipment of the Barcelona City Council and provides service to 4,675 points and 21 bodies and entities of the group of municipal companies. It also provides service to facilities in the metropolitan area and to the public.


But the actions taken so far have not had the expected effect. External factors such as the high cost of CO2 emission rights and natural gas are influencing the escalation of prices.

“There are many types of energy companies and their impacts on the market are totally different,” Natalia Fabra, professor of economics at the Carlos III University of Madrid and a specialist in energy economics and electricity markets, explains to Newtral.es.

“Whoever says that there is a single measure that can allow us to change things from one day to the next in the BOE has no idea what he is saying or is doing cheap demagoguery,” assured Teresa Ribera in LaSexta.

This contributes to the guarantee of supply and lower the price at times when there is no availability of renewable energy (which are the cheapest), which is when the price rises because of how the pool works, as happened with the Filomena squall.

“The pool would continue to function the same, but the benefits would be taken elsewhere. They could be used, for example, to finance research and development, health costs or to cover cost items that now make electricity supply more expensive, and which are now paid via tolls or charges,” explains the professor.

barcelona energy opinions

The furious left that governs (PSOE and Podemos) or that supports the Government, like ERC, is extraordinarily indignant with the electricity companies whom they blame for the high price that the electricity bill is reaching in the wholesale markets. Their argument is the following: the hydroelectric power stations (the waterfalls of the reservoirs) that are entering in many occasions as marginal energy marking the matching price, are the ones that are taking advantage to “get rich” at the expense of the poor consumers.

To this we must add the geopolitical tensions of the gas that reaches us through Russia, who uses the volume that passes through the pipeline as a measure of pressure, also causing the price to rise.

The big ones are the ones that can operate as marginals to match supply and demand in the peaks because, among other things, they have a great facility to open gates and allow water to pass through the turbines.

What has been happening is that when demand peaks occur, the plants have been operating in the auction offering megawatts at a lower price than natural gas. Only on some occasions (we are talking about minutes throughout the day) has the demand produced drops at that moment and only hydro has entered.

privatization of endesa

Currently, since the liberalization of the electricity market, the public can choose the company with which they contract their electricity and gas supply. There are two types of marketing companies: reference companies, which offer types of contracts and regulated market rates (i.e., established by law), and free market companies, which are outside the regulated market.

All suppliers must show the origin of the energy they supply on the bill. Some have solutions aimed at customers who only want to see one source, renewable energy. On the website of the National Commission of Markets and Competition you can find a list of all the suppliers.

The City Council offers various informative resources that help to spread a new energy culture focused on increasing knowledge about savings, energy efficiency and the rational use of energy, as well as generation from renewable energies.

The aim is to understand how we consume energy, what options the energy market offers, if we have more contracted power than necessary and, in short, how we can reduce the amount of energy supply bills.

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