Mi blog saber mola

Atoms history

A large team of scientists from MIT and Cardiff University, using data from the JCMT and ALMA telescopes, have found phosphane (PH3) in the clouds of Venus.To date, the stationary presence of this molecule is unexplained by abiotic production pathways. That is, it originates either by unknown photochemistry or geochemistry, or by a biological action analogous to that which occurs by the presence of life on Earth.

Imagine a foul smell coming out of a swamp. Phosphane is a colorless gas, combustible at 38°C (if comburent is present), smells like stinky garlic and, here on Earth, is usually the result of the degradation of organic matter. It is quite toxic to oxygen-breathing beings. Interestingly, the presence of PH3 in the atmosphere of a rocky world can only be explained, for the moment, by the activity of microorganisms. Astrobiologists consider phosphane as a biomarker, since it is a compound that is easily oxidized and destroyed and must be constantly replenished. In gas giants there are non-biological mechanisms on rocky planets, not so much.

The atom through time

Water is a magnificent compound. Without water, life as we know it would be impossible; we are made of it, we live in it, we depend on it. I marvel at it because it behaves in so many different ways, it has such key physical and chemical properties, that when we stop accepting it as an ordinary substance and stop to really analyze it, it seems incredible that it is only the result of the union of two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen. These elements separately manifest other characteristics, but together they are something more. And that is the beauty of chemistry and today’s Aristotelian lesson: the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.  That’s why, among other reasons, the quote from the legendary Bruce Lee is perfect for me.

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It’s cool to know atomic models

A large team of scientists from MIT and Cardiff University, using data from the JCMT and ALMA telescopes, have found phosphane (PH3) in the clouds of Venus.To date, the stationary presence of this molecule is unexplained by abiotic production pathways. That is, it originates either by unknown photochemistry or geochemistry, or by a biological action analogous to that which occurs by the presence of life on Earth.

Imagine a foul smell coming out of a swamp. Phosphane is a colorless gas, combustible at 38°C (if comburent is present), smells like stinky garlic and, here on Earth, is usually the result of the degradation of organic matter. It is quite toxic to oxygen-breathing beings. Interestingly, the presence of PH3 in the atmosphere of a rocky world can only be explained, for the moment, by the activity of microorganisms. Astrobiologists consider phosphane as a biomarker, since it is a compound that is easily oxidized and destroyed and must be constantly replenished. In gas giants there are non-biological mechanisms on rocky planets, not so much.

  Ganadores del premio nobel

Porque han cambiado los modelos atómicos a lo largo de la historia

Las etapas de colaboración están disponibles para jugar en el menú de etapas de leyenda de la pantalla de título. Estas etapas están coloreadas en púrpura, e incluyen personajes de ¡Sobrevive! Mola Mola! como enemigos. La única etapa que está disponible es ¡Sobrevive! Mola Mola!, de la cual es una recompensa de puntuación cronometrada que tiene varios objetos como tesoro. A medida que el jugador avanza hacia los niveles más difíciles, mayor es la rareza y la cantidad de Tesoros que se pueden obtener.

Las Etapas de Colaboración están disponibles para jugar en el menú de Etapas de Leyenda desde la pantalla de título. Estas etapas están coloreadas en púrpura, e incluyen personajes de ¡Sobrevive! Mola Mola! como enemigos. Las dos primeras fases disponibles son ¡Sobrevive! Mola Mola! y 300 Millones de Molas Muertas, la primera de las cuales tiene como tesoro al gato especial “Meowla Meowla”. A medida que el jugador avanza a niveles más difíciles, hay más posibilidades de desbloquear esta unidad. Si se utiliza un Radar de Tesoro al superar cualquier nivel, este personaje caerá en un solo disparo. 300 Millones de Molas Muertas tiene una recompensa de puntuación cronometrada que tiene varios objetos como tesoro. A medida que el jugador avanza a los niveles más difíciles, mayor es la rareza y la cantidad de Tesoros que se pueden obtener.